There will be steep mountains to climb and deep valleys to overcome before we see Heaven.
Shiloh exists by the grace of God for the glory of God, which shall be the ultimate purpose in all its activities. Shiloh glorifies God by loving Him and obeying His commandments.

Mission Statement:
We are the people of God, called together to be the Body of Christ, inspired by the Holy Spirit: to proclaim God's will, to love one another, to be instruments of salvation- preaching, teaching, worshiping, caring, sharing, growing and giving service through community outreach.
Leading families out of crisis to Christ, bringing them together around the Word of God and equipping them with spiritual morals and values.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Shiloh's mission is to Recruit, Equip, and Deploy witnesses for Christ.
Starting with the mission to recruit, equip and deploy, Shiloh's church ministries will examine their practices, motives, and outcomes with a determination to work within their own capacities toward the same ultimate goal of being the voice, hands and feet of Christ.
Ultimately we want to be students of Christ who use our understanding to make meaningful, transfomative changes in our own lives, our homes, our neighborhoods, cities, and the world.
Shiloh invites individuals and families to join in weekly service and encourages members to be involved in church ministries.
Shiloh supports and encourages church ministries to be a blessing to the spiritual, physical, mental and social needs of the congregation and the greater church community.
Shiloh maintains an active presence in the local and global community to best meet the needs and challenges of the day.
Shiloh is committed to exploring the depth and breadth of the Bible, informing our understanding of the call of Christ in our lives through the lens of our Christian ethics and tradition.
Shiloh consistently works to help members bridge the gap between our faith and works, teaching the joy and gift of service.
Shiloh provides ongoing opportunities to expand the spiritual, health, financial, political, and social knowledge and understanding of the congregation and community at large.
Shiloh seeks to ensure that the gifts, camaraderie, and blessings found and nurtured within the church walls are shared with the community and the world.
Shiloh encourages members to share their time, talent and money in a way that meets the needs of God's people and honors the teachings and walk of Christ.
Vision Statement:
It is the Vision of a place that provides a healing word for hurting families; where they can find hope, help, forgiveness, love, direction and encouragement.
It is the Vision of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the thousands of people in the greater Albany area.
It is the Vision of equipping every believer for a specific ministry by helping them discover the gifts and talents God gave them.
It is the Vision of a strong outreach ministry that begins in the city of Albany and spreads abroad empowering people to be accountable and responsible for living a good life.
It is the Vision of a Church Campus in the city of Albany with a beautiful, yet warm environment, with facilities including a major sanctuary, classrooms for Bible study and seminar training, recreation, seasoned saints day care, medical facilities, bookstore, banquet hall and nursery, and to minister to every member of the family, spiritually, emotionally and physically.